NEPA for Airport Projects
GDB assists its airport proprietor clients in achieving NEPA compliance via the preparation and adoption of environmental impact statements, environmental assessments, and other technical or regulatory documents.
GDB has a reputation throughout California for effectively handling environmental planning matters involving NEPA compliance related to airport facilities projects and airport master plans. The firm is well versed in preparing environmental impact statements, environmental assessments, categorical exclusions, and supporting technical or regulatory documents for consideration and approval by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), and evaluating those same documents for adequacy under NEPA’s implementing statutes, regulations and case law. In connection with those efforts, the firm is familiar with the FAA’s NEPA-related orders and guidance, as well as the federal agency’s environmental effect modeling platforms.
The firm often works with a team of technical and planning consultants to prepare adequate NEPA documents, while also internally maintaining a substantial depth of experience in underlying resource-specific and technical issues. For example, the firm’s attorneys have expertise in aeronautical operation forecasts for commercial, cargo and general aviation aircraft; biological resources; air quality and human health risk; noise from roadway sources and aircraft; water quality; and transportation and multi-modal access. This expertise enables GDB to provide meaningful input on the formulation of the range of alternatives studied in the NEPA documentation, as well as the strategies available to feasibly lessen the environmental effects of the proposed action.